I’m Apostle Mercedes Monden.
My Passion
Mercedes Monden is Passionate about the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ; the ministry is founded on the Love and the reverential fear of the Lord.
My passion for the Lost;
Born and raised in Nigeria where I spent the majority of my young life. My over protective entrepreneurial parents kept me away from any outside religious influence; therefore I grew up in a brick-walled house where the courtyard was facing a big iron gate with the purpose of keeping intruders away from our home and by it my family also implied anyone selling any kind of religious creed. I was kept away from any religious influence; the only one that could shape me to religion or any teachings of the sort were my parents who though very spiritual weren’t Christians.
For some unknown reasons, during my early teens no Christians really had the boldness to come and tell us about Jesus Christ and His saving grace. One of the excuses I was often given was: “I don’t want to come to your house because your mum is a pagan”, I felt rejected, abandoned. Sometimes while sitting in the inner court and I could hear the comments coming from the other side of the gate, when the people living in our neighbourhood and in our streets were coming back from Crusades held in the town. Though I have never really been to a church event before because I wasn’t allowed to go out of the house, I felt as if I was missing out on something amazing.
The first time I was invited to a church, it was a church called ‘’The White Garment Church’’ located next to our former home; I was so excited, when I got there, despite the fact that I was not allowed to enter in the church with my shoes and the other kids weren’t allowed to sit down with me, for some reason it didn’t really bother me at all; I was just glad to be in church…The food was good and everything but I never heard anything about Jesus Christ there and I left the church empty, voided.
When I turned 17, my family relocated to The Netherlands which has been my home for the last two decades. It was but a few years later that I eventually gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
One day during a meeting with one of my cousin ( a deacon in a church in the US who had went to Africa) I asked him if he had gone to visit my mum while he visited Nigeria – his reply was ‘’No!’’ and the reason he gave me was ‘’Aunty is a pagan, therefore I just didn’t stop by!’’. I was enraged by his comments and it was there and then that I made a covenant with the Lord: ‘’ I will tell the world about the deliverance grace of the Lord and the love of the Father and his beloved Son; I will tell whoever cares to listen, because ‘’the Son of God came to seek and save that which is lost’’ (Matthew 18:11). We as children of God must refuse to be intimidated by darkness – ‘’For this reason the son of God is made manifest that he might destroy the works of the enemy’’ (1 John 3:8). The works of the enemies is destroyed in my life; God almighty has graced me to reach the unreached; through prophetic and strategic intercessory prayers; there are days when I am up for 3-4 days straight only to be praying, interceding, fasting.
I now live a life of prayer and fasting, ministering unto the Lord. My will is to do the will of my heavenly Father; I believe it doesn’t matter where you have been or where you are coming from: ‘’Jesus Christ is Lord’’ (Phillippians 2:11); ‘’His grace is sufficient for you’’ (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Let's connect...
You can connect with me and ask for spiritual guidance or you can check our prayer request menu to send a prayer request.
God bless you
Email: Breathofholies@gmail.com
Tel: +31686358544